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About Us

The founders of the PocketBookProtector, Tamara and Sean, are siblings dedicated to developing a product that addresses cleanliness of pocketbooks, diaper bags, book bags and accessories.

The idea came to us from being disgusted with having to put pocketbooks or book bags on the floor of bathrooms and dining rooms when there were no other options. These high traffic areas contain potentially harmful contaminants.  Our awareness of bacteria, germs and viruses that can be transferred to the car and eventually home peaked during the COVID pandemic. It became more apparent different places our bags could pick up germs for instance changing tables, airplane floors and on public transportation. We started searching for products to protect the bags out of desperation and nothing was available, this sparked our desire to develop the Pocketbook Protector. Now we have peace of mind when we bring our bags into our personal space and on the go.

 Tired of your pocketbook or book bag getting dirty?

We were too, which is why we developed the PocketbookProtector. It’s a simple device that attaches to most bags and protects it from dirt, bacteria, and other contaminants. Now you can keep your bag clean no matter where.”

-Founders, Pocketbook Protector

– Keeping it Clean & Classy